2015 July Archive

Hardware APIs coming to browsers

There are many future web stack features that I see as being vitally important to the long-term health of the web. These include extensible web projects such as web components and CSS Houdini, as well as the scripting capabilities in ES7 and beyond. These features give developers better tools, and more fine control and power.

But I feel that what’s more important to the immediate success of the web are features that provide parity with native mobile apps. I’ve written previously about the importance of service workers in providing this parity, but there are also a few new features breaking through that I’m equally excited about, as they provide access to previously unavailable hardware.

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Eddystone – A Briefing Note on Google’s New Beacon Format

Yesterday Google announced ‘Eddystone’, a new open Bluetooth beacon format which works on Android and iOS. I’ve been doing a bit of reading about it to understand the technology and its potential, and I put together a briefing note about it for my colleagues. I’m a believer in maximising returns on my content, so it seems like a good opportunity to republish that briefing note here.

This is a very rapid and shallow look into beacons, and I’ve no doubt made some omissions or inaccuracies, so apologies in advance for that. If you think I’ve made any huge oversights or errors, please feel free to let me know in the comments.

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I’ve updated my Speaking page to include more conferences, more videos, and a little on my speaking requirements and preferences. I’m planning to cut down on the number of talks I give in 2014 (twelve is too many), but am always open to interesting offers and opportunities, so please get in touch if you’re organising an event.

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